CADRI’s Collaborative Journey Toward Advancing Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Adaptation in Ghana

CADRI Partnership


FAO Ghana

Building resilience to disaster and climate risks requires coordinated efforts, shared expertise, and a collective commitment to action. In Ghana, the partnership between the Government of Ghana and the Capacity for Disaster Reduction Initiative (CADRI) Partnership is setting the stage for a more resilient future, bolstered by robust institutions, effective risk management systems, and socio-economic sectors that prioritize disaster risk reduction and climate change adaptation.

Plantain Plantation Ghana | FAO

A growing urgency for resilience

Ghana faces multiple hazards, including floods, droughts, coastal erosion, and disease outbreaks. Rapid urbanization, environmental degradation, and the impacts of climate change have further compounded these challenges, heightening vulnerabilities and threatening livelihoods, infrastructure, and food security.

With the frequency and severity of hazards increasing, strengthening both national and local capacities for disaster risk reduction (DRR) and climate change adaptation (CCA) has become a pressing priority.


A collaborative framework for capacity development

In June 2022, a government request for CADRI support was initiated through the United Nations Resident Coordinator’s Office (RCO) in Ghana, calling for expertise to facilitate a comprehensive diagnosis of DRR and CCA capacities, with a particular focus on the disaster risk management (DRM) system. This marked the beginning of a collaborative effort to assess national and local capacities, aiming to lay the foundation for the development of a national DRR strategy, a capacity development plan, and a multi-hazard contingency plan.

Emergency briefing | NADMO Ghana

The CADRI Partnership, a global UN-led initiative, brought together government institutions, including the National Disaster Management Organization (NADMO) and National Development Planning Commission (NDPC), and UN agencies such as FAO, IOM, UNCDF, UNDAC, UNDP, UNESCO, UNFPA, UNICEF, WFP, and WHO. NGOs like CARE International Ghana, PLAN International, Red Cross Ghana and World Vision International also played an essential role in the process.

Laying the foundation for resilience

In July 2022, a scoping mission took place where two priority issues — governance and coordination for DRR — were defined, as well as several socio-economic sectors including spatial planning and infrastructure, agriculture, environment, WASH, health, social protection, and preparedness for response and recovery.

Scoping mission | CADRI Secretariat, 2022

A diagnostic mission followed in October 2022, with 37 experts forming multidisciplinary teams to visit the Greater Accra, Volta, Western, Bono East, and North-East regions. Stakeholders from 23 central institutions, 52 local institutions and departments, 2 civil society organizations, 1 private sector organization, 3 multilateral and bilateral partners, and 1 university — alongside representatives at national, regional, district, and community levels — participated in interviews, site visits, and discussions. Their insights shed light on existing capacities and pressing challenges.

UN-Habitat Ghana

Uncovering insights and aligning priorities

The diagnostic mission uncovered critical gaps and opportunities in Ghana’s disaster risk management system. Findings underscored the need for stronger institutional coordination, increased investment in early warning systems, and deeper integration of DRR into socio-economic sectors, calling for robust preparedness and response plans across key sectors.

Fonio cultivation in Ghana | FAO

These insights were presented to stakeholders during a debriefing at the conclusion of the capacity diagnosis mission. Participants refined the analysis, ensuring that the recommendations aligned with Ghana’s national priorities. The collaborative nature of the workshop fostered a sense of ownership of the process and built consensus on the way forward.

Charting a path forward

With the assessment complete, the focus now shifts to action. In August 2024, stakeholders convened in Accra to present and validate the findings and recommendations from the 2022 capacity diagnosis — an important milestone in the collective journey between the Government and UN to strengthen the country’s resilience.

Stakeholders at the validation workshop and presentation ceremony | WFP, 2024

During the validation, NADMO’s Director General, Hon. Eric Nana Agyemang Prempeh, emphasized the need for sustained collaboration to ensure the effective implementation of the recommendations. UN Resident Coordinator Mr. Charles Abani underscored Ghana’s vision of self-reliance and stressed the importance of integrating the assessment findings into national policies and programmes.

Participant displays a copy of the report | WFP, 2024

The Government of Ghana, led by NADMO and supported by the UN, has already taken steps to establish a strong framework for DRR and climate resilience. These efforts are laying the foundation for developing a National DRR Strategy, informed by the insights from the capacity diagnosis.

Looking ahead, the Government plans to use the capacity diagnosis report as a catalyst for change. As a next step, NADMO, in collaboration with its partners, aims to prioritize recommendations, ensure their alignment with national and international development frameworks, and develop concrete implementation and capacity development plans.

Looking ahead: building a resilient future together

Ghana’s collaboration with the CADRI Partnership demonstrates the power of collective action in addressing disaster and climate risks. By harnessing the expertise of diverse stakeholders, the initiative has laid a solid foundation for enhancing national capacities and fostering a culture of resilience. As the country embarks on the next phase of implementation, the lessons learned from this engagement will serve as a model for building resilience in the face of an increasingly complex risk landscape.

The full Capacity Diagnosis Report and Policymaker’s Digest for Ghana are available in English under the media hub on



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